Meeting Home > Virtual Meeting Instructions
Virtual Meeting Instructions & Tips

Here is a little information to help get you started using the virtual meeting platform.


Welcome to the virtual bootcamp!!

You may select a topic to the left to learn more about this virtual meeting platform. These options include both instructions, as well as tips, to enhance your virtual meeting experience.

Accessing the Virtual Content
Most features require that you log into your conference registration account. Click LOG IN in the top menu and enter the same username/password combination that is assoicated with your conference registration.

Need Assistance?
Please contact us if you need help using the live chat option in the bottom right corner of the window.


Use the Live Events menu option to view a list of any scheduled live events during the course of the virtual meeting.

Adjusting the Timezone
Don't miss out!! Please be mindful of the indicated timezone when reviewing the live event schedule. Note that you can change the displayed timezone to a selection of various timezones to help avoid confusion.

Viewing a Live Session
Simply visit the desired live event page at the scheduled time to participate in the event. In most cases, the live event stream will be embedded directly in the page. In certain cases, a link will be provided to join the live event.

Stream Options
We will often offer various stream options on the live event page. If you have trouble connecting to a live event, try the Toggle Stream button to change to a different (and hopefully more compatible) option.

Theater Mode
Want to see the stream in a bigger window? Try clicking the Theater Mode option.

Attendee Interaction
Depending on the type of the event, you may have the opportunity to interact with the speakers and fellow attendees via options including Q&A, Chat, and Audience Response. If any of these options are available, they will automatically appear on the live event page.


Use this option to view an overview of the entire program including both live and on-demand sessions. Clicking on any session will take you to that event's details.

Adjusting the Timezone
Don't miss out!! Please be mindful of the indicated timezone when reviewing the live event schedule. Note that you can change the displayed timezone to a selection of various timezones to help avoid confusion.


Looking for all presentations by a specific author? Use this option to browse a listing of all presentations by a specific author, regardless if they are the first/presenting author or not.


Any of your bookmarked presentations will appear on this page.

You may bookmark any presentation after logging into your account by clicking on the green calendar icon that appears next the the title of a presentation on the presentation details page.


Certificates of Attendance may automatically be generated by any registrant. Once the meeting is live, you may generate a certficate of attendance after viewing at least 10% of the presentations. You may access your certificate under the Attendees menue.


Use the Attendee Directory to view a list of your fellow meeting attendees. Please note that only meeting registrants will appear in this directory.

Navigating the Directory
By default, the directory will display 10 records per page. You may alter the number of records displayed per page using the Show option on the top of the display table to the right. The page navigation options are found at the bottom right of the directory listing which will allow you to go the the next page of results.

Sorting the Attendee Directory
Clicking on the top label of any column will sort the Attendee Directory by that column's information.

Searching the Attendee Directory
You may search all fields of the Attendee Directory using the Search Box. The search results will updated automatically after each letter you type.

Sending Messages
Clicking on Send Message will allow you to send a message to a fellow attendee. More about this can be found in the Sending Messages help topic.


Learner Notification & Credit Claiming Instructions

Click Here to View the Learner Notification & CE Information

The live link to claim credit will not be active until the day after the completion of our online broadcast.


PDF versions of each presentation slide deck are available to download/view below.

Presentations are only available for registered attendees. Please log into your attendee account to access these presentations.


Use the Attendee Directory to view a list of your fellow meeting attendees. Please note that only meeting registrants will appear in this directory.

Navigating the Directory
By default, the directory will display 10 records per page. You may alter the number of records displayed per page using the Show option on the top of the display table to the right. The page navigation options are found at the bottom right of the directory listing which will allow you to go the the next page of results.

Sorting the Directory
Clicking on the top label of any column will sort the Attendee Directory by that column's information.

Searching the Directory
You may search all fields of the Attendee Directory using the Search Box. The search results will updated automatically after each letter you type.

Sending Messages
Clicking on Send Message will allow you to send a message to a fellow attendee. More about this can be found in the Sending Messages help topic.


Settings saved

All your settings changes have been saved!